
Archive for October 19th, 2013

  • Foreground code is running, interrupts are enabled
  • Interrupt event sends an interrupt request to the CPU
  • After completing the current instruction(s), the CPU begins the interrupt response
    • automatically saves current program counter
    • automatically saves some status (depending on CPU)
    • jump to correct interrupt service routine for this request
    • ISR code saves any registers and flags it will modify
    • ISR services the interrupt and re-arms it if necessary
    • ISR code restores any saved registers and flags
    • ISR executes a return-from-interrupt instruction or sequence
    • return-from-interrupt instruction restores automatically-saved status
    • return-from-interrupt instruction recovers saved program counter
  • Foreground code continues to run from the point it responded to the interrupt

Courtesy: http://www.scriptoriumdesigns.com/embedded/interrupts.php

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